A History of Tottenham House
7:30 pm - 9:30 pmTALK: Tottenham House was originally constructed in 1575 as a replacement for Wolfhall, which had fallen into ruin after the execution of Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset. Since then it has seen many events and changes, including a catastrophic fire in 1712, a new design as a brick-built villa by Lord Burlington in 1720, remodelling as an H-shaped Italianate house, and then radical overhauling with the construction of two massive sweeping wings. The grounds and park have also been continuously re-landscaped, incorporating designs of William Kent and Capability Brown. This upgrading and remodeling continues today, ensuring that Tottenham House remains an enduring feature in the ancient Savernake landscape.
SPEAKER: Graham Bathe was professionally engaged in countryside management and wildlife conservation for 40 years, working for charities and national agencies, in this country and overseas. He is especially interested in the relationship between landscapes and traditional land management systems, and has particular expertise on the history of common land, village greens and ancient rights of way. He has made a 20-year study on the history of Savernake, and its principal houses of Wolfhall, The Brails and Tottenham.