Lest We Forget – Fabian Ware and the Imperial War Graves Commission
21 November 2024

Lest We Forget – Fabian Ware and the Imperial War Graves Commission

7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

SPEAKER: David Du Croz
David Du Croz was Head of History at Marlborough College for eleven years before retiring in 2007. He became involved with the College’s WWI centenary commemorations and developed a keen interest in events on the Western Front, leading many battlefield tours. He ran courses on the First World War at the Marlborough Summer School and has lectured extensively on various aspects of that war

The Imperial (now Commonwealth) War Graves Commission was the brainchild of Fabian Ware, whose own story and that of this most remarkable achievement are the bones of this talk. Together with some of the finest talents in the kingdom – Rudyard Kipling and Edwin Lutyens to name but two – he fashioned the greatest global memorial known to man.